
Breakfast on Everest – The World’s Highest Meal

What’s the wackiest, craziest travel experience you can think of? Swimming with sharks, jumping from a plane, eating live ants? Well how about dining with Mount Everest? Sounds too far-fetched? Well, for those with the time and money, this is possible! Dubbed as the World’s highest meal, the breakfast near Everest Base camp , Nepal is a once in a lifetime experience and the ultimate indulgence!

Breakfast on Everest

Picture this – you are dining at almost 14,000 feet, being served breakfast, freshly squeezed juice or champagne as you gaze at the breathtaking Mount Everest standing tall right in front of you! The clouds bowing down in front of the mighty Himalayan giant looking an opening to escape its clutches.

Experiencing the World’s Highest Meal

Breakfast on Everest is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it need to be experienced to believe in it! There are many packages being offered by tour operators and adventure companies in Nepal. Some of them offer you a 2 nights hotel accommodation in Kathmandu, the helicopter trip, transfers and of course the breakfast on Everest experience.

You will be flown in a helicopter either from Kathmandu or Pokhara to Everest base camp at 17,600 feet where you spend 10-20 minutes. Guests are not allowed to stay at that altitude for more than the allotted time as they are at risk of contracting AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) or Altitude Sickness.

After these 15 minutes, you are flown down to an altitude of about 14,000 feet where the dining experience awaits you! Enjoy your morning meal with freshly cooked dishes, juices, and the view of the stunning Mount Everest. The world’s highest meal often consists of bacon, eggs, sausages, Nepali fruits, croissants, jams, and Champagne to sign off in style!

Fun fact – Food takes longer to cook at those altitudes and the meals are often prepared at the Kongde Lodge, located at 14,000 feet above sea level. This makes it the highest hotel in the world! During the flight you will be able to see jaw dropping panoramic views of Mt. Everest (8848 m), Gauri Shanker (7134 m), Langang Lirung (7234 m), Ganesh (7429 m), Shisa Pangma (8013 m), Gyachangkang (7952 m), Pumari (7161 m), Nuptse (7855 m), Lhotse (8516 m), Ama Dablam (6812 m), Chamlang (7319 m), Makalu (8463 m) and many more other peaks.

How can you book the Breakfast on Everest experience?

You will find tons of tour operators in Nepal who deliver this unique experience. All you have to do in google ‘Breakfast on Everest’ and there is plethora of options available! The Everest dining experience usually starts from either Kathmandu or Pokhara airport and both are equally awesome. The Kathmandu trip however, lasts a little longer and cost a bit more.

How much does it cost?

So how much does this experience really cost! Most operators don’t list the Breakfast on Everest tariff on their websites and when we reached out to them, we were quoted figures of about $4,000. That’s a staggering INR 2,80,000! If you think that’s a little too much then well, this isn’t for everybody.

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