
Check These Facts Before You Travel To New Zealand!

Things to check before your travel to New Zealand

First to spot the ultimate sunrise, lavish with assorted varieties of fern and sheep, the home of Kiwis of all kinds and statures is an extravagance of natural rural and cultural cities. Steeped with engulfing landscapes, adrenalin activities, and wilderness experiences, New Zealand is dubbed the “Land of the long white cloud” and is as photogenic as the photos suggest. Plan your travel to New Zealand with the top tips we have mentioned in the article.

Best Time to travel to New Zealand

Southern Hemispheric land of New Zealand has seasons opposite to the ones in Northern Hemisphere: June-August is Winter and December-February is Summer. A regular day in the Kiwiland has four seasons all meshed into one.

Fickle and capricious, the temperature in the North and South Islands vary significantly. Opting for vacation during the summer season is perfect for adventurous activities while the winter season finds itself less crowded with far pleasant weather.

It is essential to pack breathable, sporty clothes than fancy suits on one’s trip to New Zealand. Good shoes and rain jackets are a necessity as rain frequents South Island glaciers and Fiordland National Park especially.  Semi-formals or sporting jackets are mandatory at dinner in certain restaurants, pubs, and lodges.

New Zealand

Sweeping landscapes and green-carpeted jungles and canopy of skyscraping trees make for one-third of New Zealand’s land. Wilderness explorers can immerse themselves into the essence of nature by trekking the famed Milford and Routeburn tracks to cruising its magnificent fjords and getting up close to gorgeous glaciers. Tour the otherworldly glow worm caves in Waitomo and cover as many natural Hot Springs around the country as well.

Adventures are less than lacking in the southern Island country, renowned for being the first in the world to introduce bungee jumping. Screaming at the top of one’s lungs when ziplining over cliffs or gorge swinging to skydiving over an illustrious expanse of magnificent land and relatively calmer whitewater rafting to zorbing down grasslands, New Zealand pumps excitement and adrenaline into thrill-seeking hearts.

An Arcadian affair

Laid Back atmosphere and a mosaic of hiking trails coupled with mountainous wonders, this is the perfect destination for active, nature lovers and adventure pursuers. Partaking in trekking, hiking or exploration of New Zealand is innocuous and risk-free accounting for the absence of dangerous animals. Easy and peaceful is the land of New Zealand strewn with farm animals and a lot of sheep. Choose more unique country ventures than city travels to marvel at the beauty of this magical land.

Wifi and mobile services are hard to come by on the account of hilly regions. Free wifi is almost nonexistent here as well so be prepared to disconnect and reestablish your oneness with nature. Go off-the-grid for a wonderful Kiwi experience.

Best Activities in New Zealand

Commonly misunderstood, freedom camping in New Zealand is restricted to certain places because of ill-treated camping sites. It is not impossible to camp responsibly in the land, though, when one has a self-contained vehicle. Department of Conservation has open campgrounds, cost-effective and well-preserved, wonderful to camp at while Holiday Parks, offering plenty of facilities, is another great option to satiate your camping experience.

Driving around New Zealand is best done by renting camper vans or recreational vans. These are some of the best options to cover the North and South Islands but keep in mind that the places you decide to rest at are legitimate camping grounds. Hitchhiking is allowed and is an excellent way to meet locals and foreigners alike to share experiences.

Respecting and admiring Maori culture should be mandatory on your New Zealand travels. Maori is the second official language of New Zealand and the culture is celebrated as one of the must-do things to learn and experience in New Zealand.

Biosecurity laws are imposed with severity on anyone visiting New Zealand. They are particular about alien species disrupting and having a major impact on their protected aquatic, natural and agricultural environments, so do declare any used tools and gears, trekking, hiking, and others, upon arrival. Conservation of their national parks and indigenous species is an important work carried out by the government. Strict customs rules are mandatory and following the regulation leads to a hassle-free entry into the beautiful country.

Known for grandiose forests and green cover, the island country is home to many film locations, the most famous one being the Lord of the Rings. Visiting Hobbiton – a real-life sheep farm converted into the home of the Hobbits with hobbit holes to jump into and a guided tour for a full Tolkien fantastical walkthrough.

Tongariro Alpine Crossing, the best day hike in the world, is incredibly well-known for the pathway into Sauron that the beloved duo Frodo and Sam’s journeyed across. No one is ever far from the Lord of the Rings filming location from anywhere in New Zealand.


The Food scene in New Zealand

Kiwi cuisine is marvelous and is home to interesting combinations of flavors found nowhere else. Fish and Chips are classic while Kiwi Pavlova is delectable and Afghan cookies with Hokey Pokey ice cream are heaven for any sweet-tooth.

Coffee lovers are bound to be surprised by the presence of only espresso-based coffees and some instant coffees but no drip filter coffee. Please ensure to brush up on your knowledge on the local coffee before ordering some but one can never go wrong with a Kiwi land favorite, “flat-white”.

If you are looking to party, visiting the abundance of pubs and bars around Auckland and the rest of New Zealand is the best way to go. Never have to wine for the lack of good wine as the country is overflowing in some of the best inexpensive kind. Buying alcohol requires an international passport and an overseas driving license will not hold good in that case.

Best Outdoor Tips for New Zealand

Beach bums rejoice as you are never far away from beaches in the lush island of New Zealand and can feel the breeze on your face and hair any time of the day if you travel a little. And when you travel to New Zealand, you have to hit these nature spots!

Sunscreen should be your best friend. Ozone free and pollution-free, the intensity of sun rays is off the charts here. Cover yourself with hats and shirts and mainly SPF.

Spend a little on bug spray or baby oil as sandflies crowd areas near water and love to leech onto exposed skin leaving behind mean, itchy bites. Avoid these and sunburns by splurging on some good sunscreen and bug sprays.

Quite the conversationalists, the New Zealanders always make time to greet and chat, so be sure to initiate a conversation if only you have the time to be a part of one.

Confusing the people of New Zealand nicknamed Kiwis, not to be mistaken for the fruit or the bird, with Aussies, their Australian neighbors, would not go down great, mate. The friendly yet fierce rivalry is very must present and would likely cause unnecessary discomfort when ambiguity comes into play. Do be clear in distinguishing accents, whereby asking to name their sandals one can recognize a Kiwi by their usage of the slang term ‘Jandals’ and Aussies by ‘thongs’.

If you plan to travel to New Zealand, check the travel packages at Pickyourtrail. Unwrap the world with Pickyourtrail and let us unwrap the marvelous land of the Kiwis for you.

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