
What to do if you get COVID symptoms while traveling

COVID Symptoms

Easing of lockdowns around the world has begun and there is already an increase in the number of people traveling. While we understand that those who are traveling, are doing so in urgent need but this increases your chance of contracting the virus. No kind of travel is currently safe; whether it is by air, by road, rail or boats. While traveling it is difficult to maintain social distancing and as a result, you might begin to see COVID symptoms. 

Here is a short guide about what you can do if you develop COVID symptoms.

Common COVID Symptoms

COVID affects different people in different ways and there is a wide range of COVID symptoms that are being reported the world over. These usually range from mild to severe illness. Some of the most commonly experienced COVID symptoms are

Fever or headache

Sore throat

Wet cough with mucus

Dry cough without mucus

Stuffy or runny nose

Trouble breathing

Pain or persistent pressure in the chest

Inability to wake up or stay awake

Please note – We are not medical professionals and this is not a comprehensive list of COVID symptoms. For more information about COVID symptoms, please refer to the government websites of your respective country.

Things to do when you develop COVID symptoms

Get back home ASAP, if possible

The first you need to do when you develop COVID symptoms is to get back home soon. Most people suffering from COVID symptoms have mild illness and recover at home, with minimal healthcare. Don’t leave your house unless the COVID symptoms go away or you consult a medical practitioner. Spend time indoors and keep yourself hydrated. You can consult a doctor on call and take some over the counter medication as prescribed by them.

If you are far away from home, then you need to check into a medical facility since hotels might not grant you access to their property. Meet up with a doctor and they will advise you on the next steps.

Separate yourself from others

To protect your family members, pets, and others coming into your home, you need to distance yourself from everybody. COVID is a viral disease and you can easily pass it on to others. Every state or country has its own quarantines period defined and it is imperative that you follow these to the T. Self-isolation has proven extremely effective in containing COVID and while it is a difficult task, you must adhere to it.

Wear face mask and gloves

Wearing PPE’s, masks and gloves are to ensure that the virus is contained to you and does not spread to people around you. If you have COVID symptoms, then you should immediately cover your mouth and use disposable gloves. These will cause discomfort but they are essential in containing the spread of the disease. 

One of the common COVID symptoms is coughing/sneezing so a face mask should protect others around you at all times! Even if you don’t have access to an N95 face mask, it’s ok. Make your own mask at home or use a handkerchief as a face mask.

Avoid sharing items

When you are self-quarantined, please ensure that you do not share any personal household items with others. Stay inside a dedicated room for yourself and don’t let people or pets come close to you. If possible, use a separate bathroom as well. If you need to move around the house, ensure that you wear a face mask and gloves. disinfected and washed at regular intervals too.

Disinfect all “high-touch” surfaces every day

Every room that you spend time in needs to disinfected constantly. The room you are staying in, the bathroom you use, and the personal items that you touch have to be regularly disinfected. If you use a tissue, napkin, cloth, etc to cover your cough and sneezes then those have to be disposed of or washed regularly as well.

Clean your hands often

Personal hygiene is an absolute must when you develop COVID symptoms and one of the most important measures is cleaning hands. Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap. This should be done after sneezing, coughing, or going to the bathroom and before you eat food. Hand sanitizers also kill germs and bacteria and use one with at least 60% alcohol for disinfecting your hands.


Please note – Following these steps is NOT guarantying your recovery or prevention of COVID. For complete knowledge of self-quarantine processes, self-medication, and when to seek medical attention, please get in touch with a medical professional. If you have any questions about your care, contact your healthcare provider, or a doctor immediately.

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